Friday, June 06, 2003

Cathleen and I woke up last nite to the sounds of a roaring fire.
We looked out the window, and a huge fire was raging behind the stone house on the corner.
Jake and Daniella woke up, looked in the living room of their place and saw flickering orange light. The fire was right behind their place. Jake slammed all the windows shut, then Daniella pulled the fire alarm.
We met them on the street at 4am.
There was a 4 car garage behind their place that was on fire. Three fire trucks and two ambulance shortly arrived and started to put the fire out.
It was so huge. The flames reached about three stories up.
Daniella's car might be a bit melted. I saw one car being towed away that was parked beside hers and it looked like the trunk was made of half melted wax.
The four cars that were in the garage were completely destroyed. nothing left but the metal frames. even the glass was gone.
Jake's living room windows are all cracked from the heat. Jake and I went to check on smoke damage in his apartment, but luckily he had been able to close all but one of his windows, and the wind was blowing in the right direction. While we were in his living room you could still feel the heat from his windows even though the fire was out.

Apparently there were 4 or 5 other fires last nite. Another one was right behind our old apartment on 11th Ave.

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