Thursday, June 02, 2005

Taught Lauren how to do a sumersault tonite. She was very hyper so we had to take her outside to burn off some energy. Cath put her to bed tonite, and I gave Seth a bottle. He sure isn't comfortable with the bottle yet, it took him a long time to drink the first ounce.
Some good momentem on the work front. Well what I really mean is that I am actually looking and being more proactive than just looking for work on the web.
Flemming sent me a package of 35mmfilm, and a couple of Hi8tapes. He and I had a fantastic conversation on the weekend that really pepped me up. Man I really want to buy a decent camera. DVX100 or CanonXL2 or the new Panasonic one.


Anonymous said...

Easy with the term "fantastic". That term should never be used too liberally.

joz said...

I think a conversation that causes a small seachange in your behaviour and life direction can be classified as 'fantastic'