Thursday, July 17, 2008

It looks like cycling is not the only sport with EPO blood doping problems:
"First billiard player accused of doping in Germany-International Herald Tribune, March 18, 2008


Dr. Fatty said...

Most of you know my views on the marginality of cycling and golf as sport, but this is a no-brainer, right? There's no one in their right mind that can call billiards a sport.

To me, a sport is a match on which you have a reliance on teammates. Sure tennis can be strenuous (it was one of my favourite games to play as a kid), but it's just a strenuous activity.

joz said...

Cycling is one of the most pure team sports. It's not just a bunch a guys riding as fast as they can.
Every member of the team has very specific roles just like in baseball, hockey and football. And they are a billion times tougher than soccer players. benefit would Axel gain from doping?? mind boggling.

Erin said...

ummm.....seriously? Doping at billiards? What exactly is that gonna do for you. This perplexes me and makes me shake my head. People are odd....